Leader: Adrianne Hatton
The Worship Ministry Area exists to help plan, develop, and carry forth the regular and special worship ministry opportunities of the congregation.
Worship Ministry teams, leadership & service opportunities include:
- Music Team (maintenance of music library, robes & costumes)
- Hand Bell Ministry
- Communion Team (prepare communion, serve in sanctuary or to home bound)
- Drama Ministry Team (reader’s theater, skit participation, director of skits, set design/props/costumes)
- Banner Team (design/select new banners)
- Audio Visual Team (sound board, video recording, video projection)
- Flowers & Decorations
- Greeting & Ushering
- Baptism Team
- Worship Planning Team (periodic planning/organizing of worship & special services)
- Chancel Choir
- Praise Team/Opening Songs
Click Here to Access our Sunday Service Archive
Click Here to Access our Devotional Resource Archive
Click Here to Access our Music Archive
Click Here to Access our Family Worship Resource Archive